
The advising team at the Lazarus Center is equipped to help you navigate your unique career path. From day one, we support you in naming, recognizing and developing your strengths. Advisers are here to help you connect your liberal arts education to your career goals.




Contact me if you’re interested in exploring engineering careers.

其他专业和兴趣: internship and job search skills and strategies, 面试准备, reviewing job offers and preparing for salary negotiations

我听过的最好的职业建议: 做出正确的决定很重要. It’s just as important to spend the time and energy to make sure those decisions turn out well.



Assistant Director of Career Exploration

Contact me if you’re unsure of your career plan and are exploring options, 或者如果你对艺术很好奇, 媒体与传播职业.

其他特长和兴趣: 优势评估, Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件, 本校, 一年级学生, individuals with disabilities or learning differences, 职业转型中的年轻校友, 非正式职业评估, internship and job search skills/strategies, 利用你的澳门葡京博彩软件关系网.

我听过的最好的职业建议: “不要问世界需要什么. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”



研究生院助理院长 & 专业学校咨询

Contact me if you’re considering graduate or professional school, or if you’re interested in exploring careers in international affairs, 政府, 法律或政策.

其他专业和兴趣: graduate school, law school, business school, recommendation letters, personal statements

我听过的最好的职业建议: 计划你的工作. 制定你的计划. 那就做一个新的!




选择“实习” & 实习 for Credit” as your appointment type.

专业及兴趣: Praxis internship funding, 实习 for Credit, internship search, post-internship reflection

我听过的最好的职业建议: If the internship you want doesn’t exist, create your own! 我们可以告诉你怎么做.


Assistant Dean of Employer Partnerships and 职业社区

Contact me if you’re interested in exploring on- and off-campus recruiting.

专业及兴趣: connecting with employers, recruiting, salary negotiations, interviewing prep, networking

我听过的最好的职业建议: Leveraging your Smith network is key to building a strong network—personally and professionally. Make strong connections during your internships and first jobs, because you never know how these relationships will become part of your journey.



Director of 卫生专业咨询

Choose one of the “pre health” appointment options.

Contact me if you’re interested in exploring career paths in medicine and healthcare professions and/or to work on related application materials and 面试准备.

其他专业和兴趣: graduate school programs in Public 健康, 阀杆, humanities and social sciences; study abroad options; careers in law; nationally competitive scholarships/fellowships


杰斯R. 菲

Assistant Director of Science and 卫生专业咨询

Choose one of the “pre health” or "science" appointment options.

Contact me if you’re interested in exploring career paths in science, medicine or other healthcare professions, or to work on related application materials and 面试准备.

其他专业和兴趣: graduate school programs in the humanities, research proposals, personal statements

我听过的最好的职业建议: 成功意味着很多不同的东西. Don’t let someone else define what “success” looks like for you.

杰斯R. 菲


奖学金主任 & 研究生奖学金项目

Contact me if you’re interested in exploring ways to extend your learning beyond Smith through research, 学习和公共服务奖学金.

专业及兴趣: early undergraduate fellowships, international awards, postgraduate opportunities, 阀杆 scholarships



奖学金助理主任 & 研究生奖学金项目

Contact me if you’re interested in exploring ways to extend your learning beyond Smith through research, 学习和公共服务奖学金.

专业及兴趣: early undergraduate fellowships, international awards, postgraduate opportunities, 阀杆 scholarships


Peer advisers receive extensive training and staff our drop-in hours. 


  • 简历和求职信有帮助 — Whether you're writing your first resume or improving your existing resume and cover letters, peer advisers offer knowledgeable advice and resources to help you get results. They can help you tailor your documents to employers' needs and expectations by assisting with wording, 组织和风格.
  • 找工作和实习 — Peer advisers can guide you through the many resources available for your internship or job search, 不管是什么领域.
  • 名片 — We offer free business cards during drop-in hours. Work with a peer adviser to design business cards from one of our templates. One sheet of business cards (10 cards) are allowed per student per year. For more design options or to order larger batches of business cards, we suggest 天堂副本 in Northampton or online services such as vistaprint.com or moo.com.

Peer advisers also assist visitors 在拉撒路中心’s Resource Library, manage the 适合自己的计划, and support workshops and other events.


周一至周五上午11点.m.–4:30 p.m.

Note: Two international peer advisers are available on Tuesdays from 2-4:30 p.m. Among other things, they can answer questions about OPT and CPT.

Drop-ins are first-come, first-serve and are limited to 15 minutes. Bring a copy of the materials you'd like to review or be ready to print them at the Lazarus Center.


Did you know you can borrow interview-appropriate apparel from the Lazarus Center? Through this free service, get the clothes you need for your job interviews.


Contact 拉撒路职业发展中心

北安普顿,MA 01063

电话: 413-585-2582 电子邮件: lazarus@bjdfly.net

周一至周五,上午8:30.m.–4:30 p.m.

周一至周五,上午8点.m.–4 p.m.
