
Unionizing Information

澳门葡京博彩软件致力于为所有员工营造积极的工作环境和领导机会. We recognize that employees have the right to organize a union. As an academic institute, 澳门葡京博彩软件支持知识通过教育,并相信学习发生在许多方面, in the classroom and in the workplace. 员工应该了解有关工会代表的事实,以便了解情况, independent decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions


A labor union is an entity that represents a group of workers (the “bargaining unit”), and bargains with the employer on behalf of those workers with respect to wages, 小时, and other terms and conditions of employment. 工会与雇主协商集体谈判协议,制定雇佣条款, and represents its members with regards to disputes over those terms. 

国家劳动关系法(NLRA)是管理劳资关系的主要联邦法律. The NLRA establishes certain employee rights, including the rights to form or join unions, 就其雇佣条款和条件从事互助或保护的协同活动,或不从事这些活动.

国家劳工关系委员会是一个联邦政府机构,负责执行和管理《澳门葡京博彩软件》. Among other responsibilities, NLRB(通过其在全国各地的地区办事处)接收并处理劳工组织要求选举工会代表的请愿书, and conducts and oversees those elections. 

在选举中, 每个合格的选民将填写一张选票,询问他们是否希望由各自的工会代表进行集体谈判. If the answer is no, the voter casts a “no” vote; if the answer is yes, the voter casts a “yes” vote.  The NLRB will then tally the votes.


工会代表是由多数投票决定的,就像政治选举一样. This means that not voting leaves the decision in the hands of those who do vote, potentially allowing a minority opinion to succeed. 例如, if 100 workers are eligible to vote, but only 25 actually cast their ballot, and 13 of the 25 vote for the union, then those 13 voters have bound all 100 eligible workers to be unionized. 


No. Eligible workers must vote in person; there will be no proxy voting allowed at the election. 

No. The NLRB voting process is conducted via secret ballot. The NLRB tallies the votes, and then reports them simply with a total number of “yes” and a total number of “no” votes.

No. Each voting member is free to make their own decision in the election, regardless of whether they signed a union authorization card.

If a vote in favor of the union is certified by the NLRB, 工会将成为谈判单位中工人条款和条件的唯一代表. 在工资方面,澳门葡京博彩软件将不再能够合法地直接与这些领域的个别员工合作(即使是那些投票反对或不支持工会的员工), 小时, 时间表的变化, time off and other terms and conditions of employment. 这些条款的任何变化都需要作为与每个工会进行集体谈判的一部分.

集体谈判是雇主和工会讨论和谈判谈判单位的雇佣条款和条件的过程. 议价单位是一群在雇佣条款和条件方面有共同利益的雇员, and are grouped together for purposes of collective bargaining. 

Unfortunately, there is no way to predict the length of negotiations. However, collective bargaining negotiations can be time intensive. 在工会获得认证后,第一次集体谈判协议的谈判持续一年或更长时间的情况并不罕见.

No. Certification of a union effectively “freezes” wages, 好处, and other terms and conditions of employment. 学院不能再为代表的工人单方面做出改变,所有的条款和条件都要经过谈判.

通常不. If a collective bargaining agreement is in place, 学院通常没有能力偏离合同或对合同作出例外,以适应个人的情况 , absent agreement from the union. Once the bargaining unit is in place, 外部劳工组织和学院之间的集体谈判协议将规范所有未来的雇佣条款. 这通常会导致一套标准的规则和条例,对特定或个人情况的灵活性有限.

The NLRA requires employers and unions to bargain collectively over wages, 小时, and other terms and conditions of employment. These are generally called “mandatory” subjects of bargaining, over which the employer and the union are required to negotiate. Other topics such as faculty employment matters, 大学治理, tuition and costs of attendance, or academic policies are generally not subject to mandatory negotiation. 


It depends on how long the parties have agreed the term of the contract will last, although three years is common. 前一合同期满后,双方有义务协商订立新合同.

一般来说,是的. As part of the collective bargaining agreement, 工会经常就工会保障条款进行谈判,要求谈判单位的工人加入工会并缴纳会费,作为就业条件. 根据这样的条款, if a worker in the bargaining unit does not want to join the union, 他们通常需要支付“代理费”,以支持集体谈判过程, should the worker refuse to pay that fee, 工会可以坚持要求终止该工人在谈判单位的工作. The amount of dues/agency fees varies and depends on the local union’s dues structure. Each union can provide that information to students. The college does not set dues or have information about dues. 

No. Both Smith and the union have a duty to bargain in good faith towards an agreement, and both Smith and the union will put forth proposals. Neither Smith nor the union, 然而, are required to agree to any demand regarding terms or conditions of employment, including wage increases.

No. 一旦一个工会被认证为一个雇员单位的集体谈判代表, everyone employed within the bargaining unit is represented solely by the union.

Eventually, but not for some time and it is rarely done. NLRB在工会认证后的一个日历年内不接受取消认证的申请. 除了, 劳资关系委员会通常不会处理在有效集体谈判协议的前三年取消工会资格的请愿书.

The most important thing is to be informed and vote.

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